Up, up and away! June is the first full month that you’ll host lucky and abundant Jupiter in YOUR sign, Taurus, as you settle into the start of a new 12-year life cycle. It can be exciting and overwhelming all at once since your steadfast sign feels more at ease with the tried-and-true than the unknown. Our recommendation: Embrace the adventure. You’re writing this script, Taurus, and you can make it whatever you desire.

You don’t have to reinvent your life in one fell swoop, however. Try it a bite at a time, especially while the Sun is in Gemini and your methodical, sensible second house until June 21. The Gemini new moon on June 18 can also help you prioritize how you spend your time, money and resources. This month, invest in the things that will give you the most return and stability. 

Retrograde high season begins in the second half of June as Saturn (June 17) and Neptune (June 30) join Pluto in reverse gear for the next few months. On June 11, Pluto backs out of Aquarius and into Capricorn until early next year. Since March 23, you’ve gotten a sneak preview of Pluto’s transformational powers from its short trip through your career sector, a 20-year cycle that begins in earnest November 2024.

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Although your independent spirit is charged up by Jupiter, you don’t have to do it alone! Once Cancer season activates your social third house for a month on June 21, a month of mingling begins. RSVP “yes” to the rooftop drinks, barbecues and local festival hangs. You never know who you might meet!

It’s Gemini season until June 21

Can you monetize that million-dollar idea? With Jupiter in Taurus, you’ve got big dreams and a year of experimenting ahead. But that won’t stop you from exploring new sources of security and revenue this month. With the Sun sprinting through Gemini and your stabilizing second house until June 21, you’re also itching to buckle down and build something. Maybe it’s just a prototype, and that’s okay. You always feel better when you have something tangible to show. Taurus is a sign of action, not just talk!

Craving a little more routine in your life? The second house rules daily habits, and with the Sun here, you’ll feel better with a few easy regimens. You can make “practical magic” happen by sticking to a simple plan and prioritizing. Since Taurus is the natural ruler of the zodiac’s second house, you’re a natural at this. Get back to the basics, starting with parts of your life that have gotten complexified in the past few months.

The June 3 Sagittarius full moon brings intensity

A major moment of introspection arrives on June 3, when the year’s only Sagittarius full moon illuminates this private and connective part of your chart. These moonbeams could expose a secret or bring a make-or-break moment to a key relationship. Are you ready to take a more permanent step with a business deal or talk engagement, babies or moving in together? At the full moon, you could make a decisive move. A real estate or legal matter could also be resolved.

Warning: Emotions can be raw and might bubble up forcefully, especially if you’ve been keeping them under wraps. Deep breaths, Taurus! You’ll feel everything intensely, especially since it’s a full moon, but reacting from a place of fear or vulnerability could leave you with a messy cleanup. Try to communicate your feelings truthfully but responsibly. If you’ve been waiting for news about an investment or to make a merger official, this culminating full moon could bring the long-awaited answers. 

Pluto retrograde backs into Capricorn on June 11

A summer vision quest awaits you, Taurus. Questioning your beliefs—and everything else—is already on the roadmap with philosophical Jupiter in your sign for the next year. On June 11, investigative Pluto will make a seven-month return to your visionary ninth house, giving you powerful insights into life’s deepest truths. You might revisit an entrepreneurial or educational venture that you set aside.

Shadowy Pluto, the ruler of transformation and the unconscious, has been retrograde since May 1. This cycle began in Aquarius and your tenth house of career, responsibility and long-term goals. While your objectives and priorities started shifting, Pluto’s only been in Aquarius since March 23, so you probably haven’t gained much traction. However, you may have gotten a taste of the powerful and transformational possibilities that could be coming to your professional path in the years ahead.

Patience, Bull: This June 11, Pluto backs into Capricorn until January 21, 2024. After that, it will dart between Capricorn and Aquarius until finally settling into Aquarius for a 20-year run in November 2024. Once that happens, your ambitious plans will really start to take off!

Between now and October 10, Pluto’s dive back into Capricorn pushes you to ask the important questions—of yourself and others. During this cycle, you might embark on some intensive research involving a metaphysical or educational topic, engage in soul-searching travel or attract people who make you rethink your assumptions. 

If you take a vacation or explore a business venture, keep your guard up. Pluto rules the underworld, and its retrograde can magnetize some untrustworthy characters into your orbit. Careful about falling for a slick sales pitch now: Check references and conduct your due diligence. Understand people’s true motives before you leap into anything risky.

Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces on June 17

The company you keep reflects on you, Taurus. This could become pointedly clear once sober Saturn shifts into its annual retrograde slowdown from June 17 to November 4. Saturn will reverse through Pisces and your eleventh house of groups. Has an unreliable person slipped onto Team Taurus? Fortify the borders and don’t be too quick to trust, even if you feel strong chemistry with someone. Time is usually the best revealer of trustworthiness, and with historian Saturn in reverse, you should take twice as long to evaluate whether someone has earned inner-circle status.

The eleventh house also rules technology, and with old-school Saturn running in reverse here, take your time with digital efforts. If you’re planning to launch an online venture, test it thoroughly and implement extra data security measures. Update your public profiles, strengthen passwords and run a Google search on yourself to see what comes up. Mature Saturn wants you to put your most polished image forward now, so use the retrograde to clean up your digital persona. Do your tech skills need some polish? Take a workshop or do your own research to get up to industry standards.

The Gemini new moon is on June 18

Lock in some security on June 18, when the year’s only Gemini new moon brings a lunar lift to your second house or work, money and daily routines. As you move into the coming week, think about how you’d like to build your income and revenue streams. Over the next couple weeks, you might apply for a promotion or a new position, start a healthy routine or use this burst of energy to clarify and tweak your goals. Now that structured Saturn is retrograde, you’ll want to really bolster your efforts.

Father’s Day falls on June 18 in the U.S., and if you’re celebrating, the nostalgic vibes could flow. The moon is in showy Leo and your emotional, domestic fourth house. Gather with loved ones and your favorite father figures, keeping the festivities intimate. A home-cooked meal, a handwritten card and a meaningful gift will give you all the warm-fuzzies. Not celebrating? Use this productive Sunday to pay some bills, refine your schedule and set yourself up to focus on your priorities.

This year’s new moon will form a tense square to boundary-blurring Neptune in Pisces and your social sector. Be careful about borrowing and lending money among friends. If you’re getting distracted from your mission by colleagues, a little self-discipline might be in order. Carve out a couple early hours today for planning, then go enjoy the rest of the weekend or some meaningful, distraction-free dad time. 

Summer solstice! Cancer season starts June 21

Once the Sun moves into Cancer for a month on June 21, you’ll have an easier time talking about any subject as your third house of communication and local culture heats up. Get out and mingle in your neighborhood, catch up with friends you haven’t seen in a while, devour a few books and podcasts. Your mind is hungry for great conversation and new ideas—you might decide to sign up for a short class or attend a workshop.

You’ve been working hard, Taurus, and if things have felt too serious for your liking, you’ll welcome some levity now. Local events could turn up surprising opportunities—no need to venture too far! Socializing could lead to synergies. Get out for meetings, networking and catch-ups with your class="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" crew.

Cancer season begins at the summer solstice, when the Sun reaches its peak height in the northern hemisphere and appears to “stand still” for three days. Take a cue from el Sol and get grounded for a minute because life is about to get busy! Clarify your priorities and choose how you’ll spend your time over the next four weeks. Who can help you get your mission in motion and spread the word? Is there anyone whose skills might complement yours well? Make plans to meet for coffee, a walk or a catchup and explore your synergies.

Mars-Uranus square June 25

It’s not time for summer fireworks yet…or is it? In the last few days of the month, feisty Mars will get snared in a cosmic clash with hotheaded Uranus. The red planet is in Leo and your fourth house of home and family, which could turn Chateau Toro into a bit of a heat zone. If tension is brewing under your roof—or there’s just a whole lot of activity—you’ll need to regclass="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" ulate the energy and manage expectations. 

On June 25, Mars will lock into a tense square with freedom-seeking Uranus in Taurus. Any family member who tries to fence you in or stress you out could meet the fury of the charging Bull. Once again, reserve some space for your independent pursuits instead of booking yourself up with duties to loved ones. You love to provide and hate to disappoint, but this is one of those days when you’ll REALLY crave your freedom!

Neptune turns retrograde June 30

Time to audit (and edit) your inner circle? On June 30, hazy Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces, reversing through your eleventh house of teamwork and technology until December 6. Neptune turns retrograde during approximately the same time each year, and in some ways, the foggy planet’s U-turn can actually help you see things with MORE clarity. If you’ve been on the fence about a friendship or collaboration, take a step back. Co-dependent or “user-friendly” relationships will hold less appeal once you get a look at this person’s true colors. Remembering that their actions reflect on YOU might make you think twice about being associated with them.

Protect your tech and strengthen your passwords: With shady Neptune going awry in your digital domain, you could be susceptible to identity theft or phishing scams. Take extra precautions with all things virtual, and post conscientiously. Make sure your online presence reflects the best version of you. Strengthen the privacy settings on those wild vacation photos (or maybe take ’em down) and stay off unsecured networks. That “free open-source Wi-Fi hotspot” could cost you a lot more than you bargained for, Bull.

Awww, isn’t that sweet? Both of the love planets will spend the majority of June in Leo and your domestic, sentimental fourth house. Passionate Mars is already in Leo and your foundational fourth house from May 20 to July 10, rousing your sensitive side. On a good day, you’ll be nostalgic and tender, open to affection. Couples might make plans to exchange keys, move in together or build a family. Single Bulls will want to beautify your home, perhaps clearing a space to welcome more love into your life.

On June 5, romantic and beautifying Venus enters Leo for an extended visit, staying until October 8. This is a mixed blessing since Venus will turn retrograde from July 22 to September 3, a time that can challenge even the strongest relationships. But that’s next month! For now, your bonds can blossom as you let your softer side emerge.

We won’t promise that it will be all sweetness and light, though. On June 5, Venus will immediately oppose shadowy Pluto in Aquarius. You could get a sneak preview of some of the suppressed issues that may come to light during Venus retrograde. With these two planets in the parental quarters of your chart, some issues around your own family of origin could resurface. Are you in some way unconsciously replaying a generational pattern that needs to be broken? Be willing to look.

Another pro tip: Don’t skimp on self-care during this cycle. With aggravator Mars in Leo, you can veer into volatility, especially if someone pushes your buttons. Family members, even well-intentioned ones, can stir up tension. Keep yourself well-fed and hydrated, with minimal stress, so your emotions stay balanced. The June 26 Mars-Uranus square can be one of the month’s most triggering days, especially since Uranus is in YOUR sign. Watch that Taurus temper!

Craving a little more stability? Until June 21, the Sun is in Gemini and your second house of security and finances, prompting a “back to basics” approach. But don’t get TOO basic, Bull! With adventurous Jupiter in Taurus from May 16, 2023, until May 25, 2024, you’ve got a once-every-12-years opportunity to try something bold and totally new. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never done it before! In fact, all the better if you haven’t. This is the start of a fresh 12-year chapter of your life, so you’ve got permission to start with as blank of a canvas as you want.

The June 3 Sagittarius full moon lands in your eighth house of investments and joint ventures. Look to where you can merge your superpowers and skillsets for mutual gain. You might look into a property purchase or explore passive income paths early this month. Energizer Mars is in Leo and your fourth house of home until July 10, which could catalyze a real estate deal or inspire you to start a home-based business. The June 18 Gemini new moon could deliver a job offer or just prompt you to explore new income streams. Start spreading the news if you’re seeking a new gig, or throw your name in the ring for that promotion.

Love Days: 23, 29

Money Days: 16, 8

Luck Days: 14, 6

Off Days: 12, 26, 3

See All Signs

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (a.k.a. The AstroTwins) are’s resident astrologers. They have written several astrology books, including Momstrology and Supercouple, and star as the astrological matchmakers for Prime Video’s Cosmic Love. The Eduts have read charts for celebrities the likes of Beyoncé, Karlie Kloss, and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books, and online courses, check out our horoscopes coverage or visit