Stockings are stuffed, vaccine statuses confirmed, champagne is cooling in the fridge. Yes, the 2021 holiday season is going to be better than last year. Um, how could it not be? There’s just one little, heavenly hurdle to clear. Venus, the planet of beauty, love, and harmony, will be retrograde from Dec. 19 to Jan. 29.

A sister cycle to Mercury retrograde, backspinning Venus can test relationships and disturb the peace. This time around, Venus will be retrograde in Capricorn, the sign that rules traditions and family values. (Seriously, universe?)

We’d be lying if we said this won’t affect the merrymaking. But relax, we’re here to help you hack the dreaded “R” word. Keep a firm grip on the sleigh reins and Venus retrograde can act more like a guardian angel (hello, Clarence) than a galactic Grinch. Here’s how to plan ahead and literally save Christmas.

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Ditch the Mistletoe

There’s no such thing as an “innocent kiss” while Venus backs up through playing-for-keeps Capricorn. That’s a good reason to avoid mistletoe-like poison ivy this year. Instead of flirting like a naughty elf, clarify your love goals. Want to break a toxic dating pattern in 2022? Retrogrades are ideal times for introspection. Free yourself from a cycle of trauma bonding or reclaim your sexual sovereignty. Should you meet someone snog-worthy, move at Capricorn’s measured speed. Taking your time builds sexy tension and trust.

Couples can bond by aligning around a long-term vision during the retrograde. Get pre-qualified for a mortgage or map out your summer move to Nashville. Warning: If getting on the same page has proven impossible, a breakup may be looming. No, the timing is not ideal, but there’s something to be said for starting the New Year with a clean slate.

If you have a wedding planned during Venus retrograde, no need to call it off. But consider signing the license before Dec. 19 or after Jan. 29. Be sure to renew vows on your first anniversary. Since Venus only retrogrades every 18 months, you’ll be in the clear!

Agree on a Price Range for Gifts

Money is decadent Venus’s domain; specifically, what you enjoy spending it on. However, one person’s “great deal” could tip someone else’s budget into the red. If there are income disparities among celebrants, relieve the pressure. Set a price range that is affordable for all involved. Or draw names, Secret Santa-style, so guests only have to buy one present each.

If you have champagne-caliber tastes, this price cap may feel like a sacrifice Workaround: swap expensive presents privately. It’s better than triggering resentment or shame that can erupt into a future family feud.

Mine for “Generational Wealth”

Legacy-builder Capricorn is the sign that honors our elders, but with Venus retrograde, it would be easy to overlook important traditions which have been carried throughout your lineage. Don’t make that mistake! Honor the decadence from every decade, making sure that all feel seen, respected, and included.

Family recipes are great, but if you want to start a new tradition, try choreographing a TikTok dance with moves from multiple generations. You never know, your grandma’s Mashed Potato could provoke a viral craze when you set it to a trending beat.

Create a Seating Chart

Venus rules our values—and in Capricorn, our family values. If your relatives span the range from NRA evangelists to ethical vegans, don’t ignore the red flags! With peaceful Venus in the timeout chair this Christmas, a carefully crafted seating chart can prevent a civil war from breaking out at the table.

Does the idea of going “home for the holidays” flood you with anxiety? Consider a seating chart where the selection is “window or aisle.” Traveling—in the opposite direction of drama—can be the dream this holiday season. Pro tip: Pick a place with enough luxe amenities to keep high-maintenance Venus happy!

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Skip the Matching PJs

Are visions of matching PJs dancing through your head? Like, say, the brown plaid sleepwear separates recently sported by Pete Davidson, Kim Kardashian, and Kris Jenner? ‘Tis the season for kitschy group ensembles, but be warned! Fashion regulations can spur a rebellion when stylish Venus goes retro. Demand formalwear on NYE and people may show up in fetishwear just to spite you.

If you throw a party with a dress code, add the word “optional” to the invite—as in black tie/ugly sweater/Santa hat optional. Or pick a theme that can be interpreted broadly, like “Winter Wonderland” or House of Gucci. Then see who has the nerve to “go Paolo” and mix their brown plaid PJs with pastels.

Put the Makeover on Hold

There’s nothing like the turn of a calendar to inspire a fresh look. Maybe you’ve been admiring Jordan Alexander’s shaved head during a Gossip Girl binge, or wondering if you could pull off your own version of Adele’s Saturn tattoo. Worthy considerations, but slow down! Venus retrogrades are notorious for skewing our style sensibilities. Put every idea on a Pinterest board, then revisit it in early February. Make that after Feb. 3, since Mercury will also be retrograde for three weeks starting Jan. 14.

Plant a Tree

The twinkling Douglas fir in your living room may not be the root cause of deforestation, but with values-driven Venus in earth sign Capricorn, environmental issues will be top of mind as we lumber into 2022. Brands like Farm Rio plant a tree for every purchase through, a nonprofit committed to restoring natural habitats. Psst... 20 of your own dollars will plant 20 trees if you make a direct donation!

Learn more about Venus retrograde in your monthly horoscope with advice tailored specifically to your zodiac sign.

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (a.k.a. The AstroTwins) are’s resident astrologers. They have written several astrology books, including Momstrology and Supercouple, and star as the astrological matchmakers for Prime Video’s Cosmic Love. The Eduts have read charts for celebrities the likes of Beyoncé, Karlie Kloss, and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books, and online courses, check out our horoscopes coverage or visit